Monday, November 22, 2010


On the one hand, there's nothing I love more than the onset of wintry weather, the first few snowstorms of each year, and the Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas bonanza of festiveness.  In this sense, November means Christmas lights, hot chocolate, and boots/sweaters/scarves.

On the other hand, though, law school has turned November into a month of outlining, paper writing, and not enough sleep.

Normally, the wonderful and the horrible aspects of November offset each other, and it ends up being a perfectly average month.  This year, however... lets just say homework has left me with little patience for any more gray, windy 50° days.

Since I started writing this, November has tried to oblige me with somewhat more exciting weather - Utah might be taunting me with festive snow storms, but I bet it can't boast of a tornado watch right now :)

1 comment:

Britny Clark said...

Wow...a tornado watch is something I have yet to live through. :) ...Unless school counts. Because sometimes (or maybe more often than not) I feel like school is definitely a metaphorical tornado. ;) Anyway, I'm glad you posted! I have missed you terribly!