After 2 semesters as a lowly first year student, I'm now officially a 2L. Unfortunately, unlike levelling up in a video game, this hasn't appeared to give me any special powers or even made me aware of any previously-locked secret areas. I guess that must not happen until you become a 3L...
My exams went alright(ish). As mentioned earlier, I forgot about the First Amendment during my Con Law exam. My Torts exam was so severely word limited that I couldn't really explore any nuances. The exam I'm most worried about, though, is Property - I started getting a migraine half an hour before the exam, and even though I loaded up on Excedrin when I realized what was happening, I know the first third of the test was consequentially a probable disaster. But enough about that... there's no point in obsessing now, considering that I won't get my grades for at least 3 weeks (some rumors have even suggested that they won't be in until late June! I don't think my sanity is that patient).
Almost as predictable as my impatience for my grades, the end of the semester has also filled me with grandiose plans for this summer:
1. Do the law review write on (of course, this goal might be a little bit easier to accomplish if they actually gave us the packets with our topic assignments - we were expecting them 62 hours ago).
2. Assuming I make law review, start working on research for a note topic
3. Travel (visit Utah, Chicago, Michigan City, the Amish, Canada, and hopefully D.C.)
4. On campus interviews
5. Try to get a jump-start on coursework for semester
6. Move to a bigger apartment (meaning one that actually has a bedroom). Furnish/decorate it adorably. And keep it clean.
7. Write another novel. Maybe actually let someone besides my mom read it this time.
8. Find a recipe for brownies from scratch that I like as much as the box kind (a surprisingly difficult struggle, to be honest... I've already been working on this one for several months)
9. Read something literary. I'm not sure what yet... any suggestions?
10. Watch all my DVDs with the French dubbing on, in a probably-too-late attempt to remember the language.
11. Start hitting the gym again. Law school killed all those good exercise habits I built up in grad school.
12. Actually use the pool at our apartment complex, at least once
13. Get caught up on movies and TV shows. Especially want to see Benjamin Button.
14. Write letters. And actually mail them.
15. Take pictures of me and Mike doing all these fun things. Maybe even blog about it.
And, of course, (16.) work. This summer is going to be epic.